Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Meeting Notes from April 26th

WOW! Great turnout. Thanks again to Catalyst Coffee and Tap Room for hosting. Congrats to our top Patroller of the Month – Tommy B. and to our top Points Earner - Pete Skram (Who’s going to topple Pete this year?)

Update on the Colorado Summit:
Doug B and Todd T attended for the club. Doug mentioned we, as a club, are in pretty good shape. Todd spoke about Wilderness trail closures as bikes are lumped in w/motorized vehicles. This is something we want to pay very close attention to. Pump tracks are all the rage in Salina. Start building yours now. (If you’re curious as to what a pump track is, visit Lory State Park or Spring Canyon Park. They both have them.) Todd mentioned Gowdy. Doug mentioned that mtn. bikers are underrepresented and we need to get involved to ensure that our voice is heard.

That being said, the County’s Parks Advisory Board and Open Space Advisory Board are taking applications until April 30th. Who’s going to be the star for the mtb community and volunteer? Meetings are once a month. It would be great to have someone from the club on both of these boards. Go to for more info. Get your app in by April 30th.

Greg Mazu, Kristy Wumkes, and Ron Chambers walked Hewlett Gulch. The Forest Service is looking at re-routing the asteroid belt portion of the lollipop loop on Hewlett. If all goes well, the re-route will take place in 2011. We’ll work to remain involved as much as possible.

Take a Kid Mtn. Biking Day is just around the corner. To volunteer, sign up here: . It’s May 22nd. We’ll see 40 kids and their parents. Registration for kids will be available soon.

Patrol and Club Picnic will be rescheduled. Sometime in June. Rodger T will showcase the new Overland Grill.

Forest Service Training/City Training – Good turnout for both. If you need training, please email Bil Heisterman. ( wfheist (at) Bill recognized Doug, Dave, Paul, Jeff, and Nick. They have all gotten their first aid training done. Also, the patrol will support the Community Classic on May 16th. It raises money for the McKee Foundation and is McKee’s main fundraiser for the year. We need 5 teams of two. That’s ten folks, for you non-mathematical folks. Email Bill if you’d like to help out. It’s an 8 point ride for you point getters.

Team Leaders were announced. I wasn’t paying attention. I think they were Todd T, Jess Mallory, Doug Baker, New John, Pete, Thuan, and Joe ummm, and that’s all I remember. I think Bill still needs a leader or two. Email him if you’re interested.

Patrollers - Please make it obvious that you are a patroller when you are on the trail. When you’re out on the trail, especially Lory, please let Rangers know what you experienced while you are out. Joe mentioned that County Rangers don’t seem to be all that friendly. We’ll talk to Jacob about this.

Communications Team – Monty Seitz talked about events, stuff we’ve done to get the word out about the club, etc. Our big initial push was to get folks out to the kick-off meeting. Monty talked about what we’re doing to earn more name recognition including a goodie bag to each person who buys a mountain bike from our local shops. Jim Fu has been spearheading this and already has 500 coupons from Beau Jo’s. Coopersmiths is into it. Wags. Bean Cycle, etc.

We’re also looking for some people to help us out as Bike Shop liaisons. We’ll also do a new Overland Card and we’ll roll out a Card Competition at the next meeting. We also need help with the Communications Team. A list of things, some small, some more involved, was handed out. Contact Kory or Monty for a fresh list if you’re interested. We’ll meet on Monday evenings once a month. Keep an eye out on the calendar. Also, Peloton has agreed to offer 15% off at their shop along with Full Cycle and probably Lee’s as they always have. We’ll find out from the other shops in town. If you want to help out with Communications, email Monty.

Trails Team - Stacy Schroeder, our chairperson, spoke. Meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of the Month. The May 11th is the next meeting. We’re working on mainly maintenance. We’re working on a trail signage project w/Pineridge. Friends of Lory State Park in June is a huge day. We’ll also help with the August races before and after on the trails at Lory. Corey Rhodes has been working with the county on Sawmill/Rim Rock/Blue Sky. Jen and Jeff are working with the Forest Service. There will be a lot of opportunity to help them out – especially in the Redfeather area. We also have a GPS Team that is working on getting some good maps for people. Pete Skram is helping with this. Todd has a bunch of stuff going at Gowdy. He’s looking for input this Saturday, May 1st at 9 a.m. Extreme lines. Meet at the parking lot at the Middle Kingdom parking lot at Gowdy. Steve Lacey met w/Bobcat Ranger Carl. The city is receptive to us going up there and working on lines when people can go – not as a big trail day – etc. This would also happen at Soapstone. Steve’s trying to get this going on Thursdays. Keep an eye out on the calendar for upcoming trail days. And if you want to help with trails, go to a trail meeting. I’m so impressed by what this committee is doing. Nice work everyone.

Group Rides have been a success. Please volunteer to ride sweep at least once this season.

Barb ROCKS. Thanks to Barb Allan for her many years of service to the club. Kory will get her thank you soon.

If you’d like to volunteer with any club activities, please, ask how you can. We have opportunities, both small and bigger. Remember, all of us donate our time which makes this club awesome. Please help out in anyway that you can.

And last but not least, Jess mentioned that they’re going to start an Overland ride for ladies on Thursdays. This Thursday, Maxwell Parking Lot. Weather Permitting.

Welcome to all the new members! And thanks to all of those who have volunteered their time. See you soon.

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