Sunday, April 4, 2010

Basket of Treats (This week's news..)

Little plastic eggs are scattered about my house right now. Can’t wait to see the kids’ faces when the roam the house looking for them. I assume, the big grins they’ll have are similar to the one I had on my face as I got out and rode on dry singletrack yesterday. That’s all the Easter basket I need. In fact, isn’t the northern Front Range and our amazing network of trails one big basket of treats?

I have to switch to tubeless tires. I’m 3 for 3 on pinch flats in the past 3 rides… Thanks to the friendly patrollers who offered to help me out yesterday. (I’m pretty sure Dewayne could’ve changed my tire a bit faster than I did…) By the way, was it Overland/DPMBP day on Coyote Ridge yesterday afternoon?

Enough meandering. Here goes the WEEKLY TIDBITS... Man, I’m craving a Cadbury Egg right now.

SOCIAL RIDES: Wednesdays. Be there. Come to have fun. Come to hang out. Come to ride. Maxwell Parking Lot at 5:30. We’ll move them to 6 when we have a bit more daylight. Keep an eye out on the calendar for the change. Also, we’re planning on having a few special Saturday afternoon Q Social Rides. Go for a ride. Meet back for a Q as in BBQ. Details will be released when we’ve got it all pinned down.

NEW BELGIUM SHORT TRACK RACES - Coming soon. Great Family Event on a Tuesday eve. Keep an eye out on the calendar.

COLORADO H.S. MTN BIKING LEAGUE -  Informative Meeting on Wed. 4/7/10, 6:00pm-7:00 or 7:30pm at Fort Collins High School (FCHS 4300 Lambkin Way, 80525) in the cafeteria (enter through the main front entrance).

PATROLLERS' CORNER (From our Fearless Patrol Director, Bill H.)

The trails are starting to dry and it's time to get out there. Remember to be nice to the trails.

Some important dates to remember…
• US Forest Service Good Host Training April 20th @ 6

• City of Fort Collins Good Host Training April 22nd @ 6

Thanks to everyone who got their CPR/First Aid recerts done. Those who completed it on March 15th & 18th, I have your cards and will give them to you at the Patrol Picnic and monthly meeting. We also have 6 new patrollers who have completed their Red Cross training. Congrats. We will have more classes in the coming months.

I need 2 more team leaders/captains, once they are in place we start building the teams and begin the competitions. If you interested let me know. Also looking for some of the experienced patrollers to help with scenarios at the picnic, it should be a lot of fun.

Patrol Training Picnic – The yearly, super fun, learn to deal with trailside injuries, learn to beat a rim back to life, eat plenty of pizza Patrol Training Picnic is April 24th at Lory State Park at the Corral Center Skills Park. This day is always a lot of fun.

Spectacular! From what I understand from Bill, the Patrol response this year has been nothing short of magnificent. Who’s going to unseat Joe Perrin as the top patroller come October? And who’s going to unseat Pete Skram for top points earner and steal away the Silver Sprocket? Who’s going to be rookie of the year? It’s going to be a great season…. Almost forgot.

TRAIL TEAM MEETING - Care about the trails? Show up at Cafe Vino on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. That would be April 13th this month. 6 or 6:30 p.m. Check th calendar to be sure (I'm not sure, right now...)

NEXT MEETING – Yes. We have a monthly meeting this April 26th. There was a bit of confusion about this but now we’re unconfused. Monday, April 26th, 6:30 P.M. at Catalyst Coffee and Tap Room. Plan on being there. Maybe we’ll even give out some prizes.

IMBA WORLD SUMMIT – You know you want to go to Georgia and rub elbows with mountain bikers from around the world. Contact Ron Chambers if you’re interested in attending. Starts May 5th. Ends May 8th. Lots of great stuff on mountain biking.

TAKE A KID MOUNTAIN BIKING DAY - We'll have the registration for this rolling soon. It's set for May 22nd. 40 kid limit. Guaranteed, this will fill up fast. Plan on volunteering...

FRIENDS OF LORY TRAIL DAY – June 12th. We need all hands on deck for this annual trail day. Get it on your calendar/crackberry/iphone now. Thanks to Rodger Thompson and Paul Slaughter for organizing.

Outreach Days, Skills Clinics, Q Socials, etc. will get on the calendar soon. Keep an eye out. And I think that’s enough for one week. Time for pancakes. Enjoy the treats this week offers. (BTW…I owe Bob Bonds a treat for answering last week’s question.)

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