The best advice? Don't let it happen. Stay alert when you're on the trail.
That being said, if you encounter someone who has been bitten or you are bitten by a rattlesnake bite, here's what to do:
Rule #1: Call 911 (If your phone doesn't work, go immediately to Rule #2)
Rule #3: Monitor the patient's AIRWAY, BREATHING, & CIRCULATION but don't forget the goal of Rule #2.
Rule #4: Remove jewelry, watches or tight clothing. The bitten extremity will swell dramatically and hinder circulation. They'll also be much more difficult to remove.
Rule #5: Remain calm and limit movement of the bitten part if possible. This becomes complicated for the leg or foot, especially if you're alone. If you have a SAM Splint or something similar, quickly splint the bitten extremity. Use common sense and don't do anything that will prevent or delay the Goal of Rule #2. If you're alone get to a phone or get help as soon as possible.
Rule #6: Do not try to suck out the venom. It doesn't work. Remember the Goal of Rule #2.
Rule #7: Don't use a tourniquet. It only wastes time. Remember the Goal of Rule #2
Rule #8: Don't ice it. It only wastes time. Remember the Goal of Rule #2
Rule #9: Leave the snake alone after it bites you. If you want to prove that it was a rattlesnake take a picture.
Rule #10: Monitor the progress of the swelling of the bitten extremity every 15 minutes. You can do this by drawing a circle around the swelling with a pen or marker but make sure you're working on the Goal of Rule #2.
Rule #11: Keep your cool. You'll probably be fine if you get to the hospital and get anti-venom in you.
One last bit of advice: Get some medical insurance if you don't have any. Rattlesnake anti-venom is very expensive. You'll get taken care of in the ER regardless of your insurance status, but I'd hate to see you get slammed with a 100k doctor bill later on. As an aside, if you're reading this then you're pretty active so have a decent chance of getting hurt anyways in some other way, shape or form.
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