Sunday, May 31, 2009

Outlook for the Week of June 1st

Hey Dirt Pedalers,

June's here and so are lots of activities. Check out new member, Pete Skram, helping out at Take-A-Kid Mountain Biking Day.
This week's stuff:

Monday, June 1st - Monthly Meeting @ 6:30 at Catalyst Coffee - NW corner of Shields and Horsetooth. Following the meeting, we will congregate at my house (2100 Bronson Court) and head out for a Night Ride. If you are interested, make sure your lights are charged and that they are at least 10w or the equivalent. We will ride Pineridge, Maxwell to the top, possibly Shoreline or Ridgeline and back. This ride's usually about 13 miles. Bring a cold beverage for after the ride. Please RSVP if you can make the ride so I know how many to expect.

Monday - Friday - Spring Canyon Bike Park Remodel - Join Jason and Pete from IMBA and help them redesign the Bike Park to help make it more sustainable. If you can help out, bring a shovel, gloves, rock bar, rock cradle, etc. They're volunteering their time, let's volunteer some of ours. They'll be working roughly 9-5.

Wednesday - Singletrack Social followed by a Social Hour - Meet at the Maxwell Parking Lot after 5:30. We leave the parking lot no later than 6. We'll meet at Josh Shafer's house (right across the street from the CSU Stadium afterwards for food and beverages)

Saturday - WHOA - Lots of Stuff

Grand Opening at Soapstone Natural Area and Red Mountain Natural Area. We need help with the tent and rides. Sign up on the website.

Summer Slam at Curt Gowdy - Great Family Event. Staff the tent, go for a ride, have your kids participate in all sorts of cool activities. This is a Saturday and Sunday Event. Help is needed both days. Sign Up on the website.

Singletrack Social - 8:30 a.m. at Soderberg - We need someone to lead these rides. Preferably two people - one to lead a 'chill' ride and one to lead a more 'advanced' ride. We've had some beginners showing up and want to make sure they have a good time, their questions can be answered and that they don't get hammered into the ground. Please sign up on the website.

See you all tomorrow night.


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