Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekly Outlook for July 20th

Greetings Fellow Knobbyists,

A couple of things before I get into the calendar:

1. If you happen to venture down the Shoreline Trail – the one that is part of the Foothills Trail system that you can access from the Rotary parking lot up off of Centennial Drive – be careful. Several sections of trail have been hit hard from the rains and have taken the trail down to a tire’s width. We’re currently in talks with Larimer County to come up with a solution to those problems and may be looking for some help to do some maintenance.

2. The Trails Team meets the first Tuesday of each month and it sounds like the meetings are going well. Interested? Check the calendar for details.

3. As we get closer to August, the Tour de Fat looms in the not-so-very-far distance. Get it on your calendar. Get it on your family and friends’ calendars. We need ‘All hands on deck’ and then some. This is our major fundraiser for the year and it enables us to continue to do great advocacy and trail work.

4. Sometime in September, we’ll be having some friendly Team Games followed by a BBQ. We'll keep you posted. If you have ideas for any fun bike-related games, email them to Kory.

5. Looking for some variety? Soapstone Natural Area has great trails that connect with Red Mountain Open Space and the Big Hole Open Space. I highly recommend descending the Cheyenne Trail. The picture up top is from Tom W. and Jeff S. who did a patrol up there on Thursday. We rode on Friday and easily connected about 35 miles of trail. It's beautiful. The trails twist and turn and roll and make you smile. The Plover Trail just opened last week and is the only trail I'd recommend against. It wasn't much fun as it's all flat and out in the middle of a prairie. Much of the trail follows a dirt road. One important note: There is no water at either Soapstone or Red Mountain. Bring your own.

And now the Weekly Happenings:

Wednesday, July 22ndSingletrack Social with socializing afterwards. We’ve had good turnouts lately. C’mon out and join the fun. If you plan on socializing, bring something to contribute.

Friday, July 24th – Sunday, July 26th – Curt Gowdy Campout. Bring your family. Bring your bikes. Bring a smile. We’re heading up to Curty Gowdy for some good ol’ fashioned riding and goofing off.

Saturday, July 25th – Singletrack Social. The Social Ride relocates to Curt Gowdy this week and is in conjunction with the campout. The ride is open to anyone.

ATTN: The Beaver Meadows Mountain Bike Fest’s date has been changed. More info here:

Monday, July 27th – Monthly Meeting – Catalyst Coffee – 6:30 p.m. Hope to see you there.

That’s about it. Enjoy your week and get out and ride.

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